Sunday, June 21, 2015

Never Check Emetophobia Tag On Tumblr!

Today I'm going to be talking about the Emetophobia tag on Tumblr. I went on it one day hoping to find help or someone who understands what I've been going through but that's not at all what I found. Instead I found photos and gifs of people actually vomiting. Under the tag Emetophobia. Which to most people means, a fear of vomiting. Not enjoying every second of it. I went into another panic attack. I didn't know what to do. I tried to go to a place where I thought i could get help but all I found were things triggering me. I saw stuff that I remembered seeing when I had my first panic attack. The stupid Fart mask thing in Jackass. I just don't understand and I just wanted to help. I don't know where to go or what to do. I'm just really lost. Thanks for reading this and I'm really sorry it's so short. I just needed to get this out there.

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